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Evaluative Essay Proposal

Evaluative Essay Proposal

Q ENG 132 Evaluative Argument Proposal Before drafting your Evaluative Argument, answer the following questions as completely as possible and wait for my approval. Please submit your answers to Moodle. 1. What is your primary source? 2. What is your thesis? 3. Make a list of at least 5 criteria you plan to use. 4. Cite at least one possible secondary source. 5. Write one paragraph that explains why/how this evaluation might be useful to your targeted audience (at least 6 sentences).

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The primary source for this essay is a movie/biopic filmed by the director Andrew Dominik. It’s based on the tragic life events of Marilyn Monroe, a popular actress of her time. This source will be cited in the upcoming Argumentative essay as – (Pitt B., Gardner D., Kleiner J., Landon T., Robertson S. (Producers), & Dominik A. (Director). (2022). Blonde [Video File]. Retrieved from My thesis in the essay is to declutter the unnecessary elements of Marilyn Monroe portrayed in the movie.